Friday, November 21, 2008

Burning question.

What we read in the media shapes our perceptions of the world and what goes on around us. I have the feeling that subtle distortion of facts occurs for maximum impact, causing an over-reaction to exaggerated events. How do we correct this without infringing the free flow of news?

Thursday, November 13, 2008


If you find a few screw-ups here, they should be corrected, given time.

As usual

As usual in Port Elizabeth winter has come and gone, spring has expired, and summer has arrived bringing cold and wet weather. Sounds like a major contradiction, but it often happens here, a blessing in disguise. At least our surrounds will green up and I will be mowing on a regular basis. Welcome exercise!!

Monday, November 10, 2008


We are at a weird time of year when things start winding down as far as work is concerned. I sit and look at this blessed computer screen and wonder if it is going to be as boring as this all day. I then go out and see my favourite customer and my services are required. With lighter step I do what needs to be done, and leave with a smile.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Baxter, out of the way, I am watching TV.
Baxter, put the cat down.
Baxter, stop biting my feet.
Get that dog out of here.
Baxter, OUTSIDE! No stones allowed in the house.
Baxter, sit.
Baxter, get out of my sight. Baxter.
Nooooooooo! Baxter.
Baxter, stop digging holes in the garden.
Oh God, my plants. BAXTERRRRRRR.
Get Baxter from under my feet. Baxter, off the couch.
Baxter, stay outside, you are wet.
Oh shit, Baxter is trailing mud into the house.
Dad, tell Baxter to stop biting Wayne's feet.
Baxter, put the bathmat down.
Baxter, leave.
Baxter has gone to sleep, thank goodness. Time for bed.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


I am certain I have a blogspot somewhere else, but for the life of me I am unable to remember username or password. All I can remember is that it is somehere on google, if there is such a place. This may be a problem for many, but how many of us are likely to admit it? I am not exactly sure that I would, possibly have done so already!