Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sleepless, yet again.

I awoke to the sound of the dog snoring loudly and wondered what the time was. Surely near dawn? Wide awake I glanced at the curtained window and convinced myself that it was a shade lighter outside, but curiously no birdsong. The sound of the snoring dog seemed  louder now. Sleep was remote so I steeled myself to rise in order to check the time.

One in the morning. I prepared a banana snack together with a slice of buttered bread, to be followed by a cup of tea and a cigarette. Fortunately this wakefulness only occurs once in a blue moon. The only regret I may have is the dead tired feeling tomorrow, which I will try and control with supplements, tea and coffee.

Am I tired? Is my brain functioning? Is that the cold I feel? Should I be here when I have to try and think of ways to fluff out this piece? No, I do not think so.

I am off to bed.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Departmental efficiency

Main road , Walmer, Port Elizabeth runs to a dead end about half a kilometer or less from the road sign, a sign that warns of a bumpy surface that endures for twenty kilometers. The surface of the road is slighly bumpy, and I can walk the distance in five minutes.

Makes one wonder, does'nt it!!
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