Saturday, June 13, 2009


Open my eyes and find it is going to be a cool, crisp day with sunshine. Breakfast in bed? No, not for me. There are things that need to be done; walk the dog, wash the dishes, hang out the washing, mow the lawn and tidy up in the garden. It is another thing to see what task is completed.

The dishes are done.
The washing is hung out.

I am at my PC. The rest is forgotten for the moment. All is quiet on Facebook, may be a little early! Not a soul online. Click to enter my web page but seem to lack inspiration to add anything new, cannot think of anything that may be of interest. Click on my blog and my follower count is still pegged at zero.

Emails from Plaxo and Twitter. Invitations to follow pretty girls. I click to see where that leads me. Register on this site and see more, is the invitation, but I prefer the real thing..

May as well go and mow the lawn.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Corner Cafe

The corner cafe in Port Elizabeth has all but disappeared. There was a time when they were dotted all over the place, so much so that you would trip over them, even with eyes wide open. The reason for this may be the proliferation of shopping malls and attendant supermarkets.

The cafe as it was used to remain open until 10 or 11 pm, useful for that forgotten pint of milk or pack of cigarettes. Their penny lines in sweets were a drawcard for kids spending their pocket money, satisfying the sweet tooth, not to forget soft drinks sold by the case, I am sure, to quench a hot day thirst.

Then a major food retailer began buying up these outlets and they were absorbed into the group and given the same name. Many independents closed, whittling down the numbers, and gradually closing time became 8pm.

Of course no help was afforded by the securiy situation, so this relatively early closing became the norm.