Monday, November 22, 2010


How much time is wasted by individuals on the net with what they say being thrown into cyberspace and not even read? It is my guess that plenty is not even seen, and this brings us to the question, why is it done?
The answer is that people like to think that they are being heard, a certain sense of satisfaction may be derived. This to all of us is important in that it provides validation. Even better still if you find a response, discovering what you say has at least some value.


This is unusual, unable to sleep. I have been tossing and turning in a sweaty bed. It is 12 midnight. I rose a little earlier to have a bath, two slices of toast, and a cup of tea. I am wide awake. I am enjoying a cigarette as well, sitting here wrapped in a towel. Must go back to bed. Sleep may still elude me? Will have to wait and see!