Monday, December 27, 2010

One of my Gripes

Some while back a haphazard plan was hatched to 'improve' the look of our valley by eliminating alien invaders, a fair number of gum and pine trees. Our parks department started felling them and leaving the fallen remains in place. Not too bad, considering that the remains would take approximately seven years to rot.

This killing of trees was done in stages, set a number of years apart. There were three stages, the last of which was the laziest. The decision was to ring bark and leave them to die; birds would be left at least somewhere to perch was the justification. The twigs are still there now, unattractive to bird life and an eyesore.

Strictly speaking it is a beautiful area , especially after heavy rain when the river comes down in flood, a pleasant hike if you do not mind getting your feet wet, or just a pleasant walk during drier periods. The only problem is the long term neglect of our valley, one aspect in particular.

At various points of entry the walker is confronted by a sign that warns of danger ahead, the possibility of being mugged. The sign goes on to indicate that the walker should be one of a group, safety in numbers I presume.

Of course there is no inclination to try and remedy the situation now for whatever reason. The only time improvements may be made is when a tourist is injured or loses his life as a result of mugging.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

My interesting blog!: Ten Times the Child

My interesting blog!: Ten Times the Child

Ten Times the Child

My dog is a brat, a bit like me. I use the hoover to suck up dust from our wooden floors. As soon as I fetch the machine, Baxter goes into hyper-naughty mode. He knows I am about to clean the house.He dashes outside and fetches a stick which he brings inside and proceeds to chew into little pieces, leaving dust and gooey chewed bits on the floor. I sigh and fetch the broom to sweep up the larger pieces that he has so inconsiderately left lying around.

I then start the hoover and proceed with the task that I rather enjoy. Next, wet wipe with a mop, and as I begin Baxter brings a dusty stone inside with a look of glee, more dust and dirt. I finish the wet wipe and restart the hoover to suck up stony dust, Baxter padding around, his beady eye on me, looking for the main chance.

Eventually Baxter seems to realize that he is not going to get the playful reaction he wants, and thankfully calms down.

Is mine a dog's life or what?

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

In favour of trees.

Trees are life and they add it with their presence, lifting your mood as well as providing shelter from the elements, be it wind, rain or shine. They attract birds, adding more life to the atmosphere, never mind bird pooh here and there. If it bothers, you can always wash the car.

Compare two areas, one with trees and one without. The one with looks fulfilled and complete, the other looking a tad barren, possibly lifeless.

Children in an area planted with trees would benefit by having some of the wonders of nature on their doorstep. They would also be provided with the absolute fun of tree climbing, the thrill of climbing to the highest point and being able to see far and wide, also the pleasure of telling mother afterward that she need not have worried, 'I didn't fall'.

Trees add to and fill the picture, enhancing that homely aura, completing the feeling that there is more to life than just simply living it.

Monday, November 22, 2010


How much time is wasted by individuals on the net with what they say being thrown into cyberspace and not even read? It is my guess that plenty is not even seen, and this brings us to the question, why is it done?
The answer is that people like to think that they are being heard, a certain sense of satisfaction may be derived. This to all of us is important in that it provides validation. Even better still if you find a response, discovering what you say has at least some value.


This is unusual, unable to sleep. I have been tossing and turning in a sweaty bed. It is 12 midnight. I rose a little earlier to have a bath, two slices of toast, and a cup of tea. I am wide awake. I am enjoying a cigarette as well, sitting here wrapped in a towel. Must go back to bed. Sleep may still elude me? Will have to wait and see!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Hacking scare on Facebook

Just had a hacking scare on FB. I followed a link, she is soo busted, and when I got as far as a request to fill in an online questionaire, I became suspicious and opted out. On trying to change my password, I found that my old password was not recognized. I logged off Facebook and logged in again with the same password. Something had been compromised, so I went through the help procedure and followed the five step procedure on my by then suspended account. I completed it, as well as changing my other online email addresses' passwords.

I am still not certain that my account had been hacked, but to be on the safe side I followed the procedure..

How picked the problem up was by being told on-site that a friend had sent the link, when in fact she had not sent it.

Anyway, an interesting and involved experience.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Poor sod.

Damn, if this were me I would be hurt and scared to death. I would wonder what I had done wrong to be treated in such a manner.I would be an emotional wreck , confused, clawing at the iron bars.

Next, I would be wondering how my captors would feel if I had them in cages, allowing them out occasionally to perform like fools in front of a crowd.

I would be better off in the desert belonging to a friendly Arab!
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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Handling your naughty pet.

That naughty pet for my wife and I happens to be a Rottweiler afflicted with ADD (attention deficit disorder) and hyper-activity thrown in for good measure. It all began when my daughter acquired two kittens, followed by the arrival two weeks later of our Rotty pup, Baxter. Soon Baxter realized that he had a size advantage over the kittens and followed his instinct to chase and tease the kittens relentlessly, causing my wife and daughter to react with squealing panic. Baxter loved the resultant confusion, understanding it to be encouragement.

My cure for the situation, as proposed by some experts, was to ignore the situation. The animals would sort themselves out. The pup had teeth but the kittens had claws with which they were very fast on the draw. The thing to do to defuse such a situation is to turn your back and leave the room. With the attention gone, the pup will more than likely lose interest and follow.

My wife has a habit of having her evening meal in the lounge while watching her favourite soapy. Baxter loves this and makes it clear that he should have what is on her plate. Her raised voice and waving hands again serve as encouragement. He is an animal and reacts as such. He does not understand plain English.

The answer is a mild reaction to most situations and to keep a level headed disposition. I have practiced this and to a large part Baxter never bothers me. If he tries it with me I turn my head or walk away, and it works. My wife is almost always the target as it is not in her nature to give a cool reaction.

The secret is to under-react, not over-react resulting in a calmer household, where you will not feel as if you are ‘living with an alien’, a book by Pam Whyte.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

BBC News - Police investigate Habbo Hotel virtual furniture theft

BBC News - Police investigate Habbo Hotel virtual furniture theft

How can people get serious about stuff that does not exist, not to mention the money wasted? It is beyond me.

Maybe the answer lies somewhere in the 'ego', or the lack of it!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Olde architecture

Many of us pass this area without giving it a second thought, a long time survivor in Port Elizabeth. One wonders for how long this solitary building in the area will remain, a footnote to the South End of long ago.

Presently change is ongoing in the city, driven by the need to house an ever growing population. At the moment this area is uncertain about which way to go, represented as it is with dwellings like this and light industry just half a kilometer further on, actually less than that.

It is interesting to ponder the ultimate direction of the area, especially with the Baakens river not far away, which is occasionally prone to extensive flooding. Do you remember 1968?
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